Providing price transparency and financial infrastructure to reduce risk and improve operational efficiency |
Research |
Cash and Algo Trading |
Basic Algorithmic Research
Implementation Shortfall |
Equity and Derivatives |
Volatility Research
Basket and Pair Trading Indices and Portfolio Creation Statistical Arbitrage |
Event Driven |
News Analytics Research
Sentiment Analysis |
Research > Basic Algorithmic Research | |||
Basic Algorithmic Research |
Our algorithmic trading strategy are based on sophisticated mathematical models. A team of statisticians and financial practitioners continuously improves the models and creates news ones.
Our models evolve as financial markets are interacted in a dynamic ecosystem. Our modeling approach keep tracks of the statistical estimation error and re-calibrate and optimize real time.
The parameters of the models are calibrated by terabyte of day-to-day global market tick-data .
Our Capabilities |
Consulting Services
Risksis provides state-of-the-art analytic and consulting services for individuals and institutions |
Algorithmic Trading Research
We help our clients to participate the market with minimum market impact, maximizing execution quality, enhancing performance versus benchmarks |
Contact Us Now!
Our pleasure to give you a free demo and first-time technical consultation. |